OCA BAP Submissions during COVID! - Temporary Procedure!
To keep members engaged with the club we would like to offer the ability to virtually submit spawns for the Breeder Awards Program. During this unprecedented time, we would like to give hobbyists the ability to get credit for the proliferation of cichlids and catfish. This means we will be suspending the requirement to turn in the fish at a monthly meeting, and instead members will need to submit a photo of fry (and parents if available), along with a completed form, by email. Note this is only a temporary procedure. BAP will return to the normal process/expectations when in-person meetings resume. Also, all standard size and number minimums must be honored. Follow these links for the standard rules: https://www.ohiocichlid.com/meetings/bap-cichlids https://www.ohiocichlid.com/meetings/bap-catfish
Here's what you need to do to participate:
1. Take a photo (a decent cellphone photo will do) of multiple fry, and if possible, a photo of the parents.Show at least the number of fry that is the minimum turn-in number for that species. When photographing the fry, include in the photo, by writing on the tank or attaching an index card to the glass, that day’s date.
2. Download the fillable form PDF and fill it out on your phone or computer and save. If you prefer, you can print the form, fill it out by hand, and scan or photograph the completed form.
3. Attach the form and photo(s) to an email, and send to buckeyebulletin@gmail.com . Please send only one species per email, but you can send multiple submissions each month.
If you choose to write an article on the spawn, it will be included in our monthly bulletin. Don’t worry if you’re writing skills aren’t the best, because we can edit it into something you can be proud of.
It is strongly encouraged that if the species is turned in by this method, at a future in-person meeting, the species is still submitted for the mini-auction. This is in keeping with one of the purposes of the Breeders’ Award Program, which is to make a variety of species available to our members in this manner.
Your submissions will be announced at the OCA monthly Zoom meeting and published in the monthly bulletin. For a submission to be credited for that month, it must be submitted by the Sunday before the meeting. (Meetings are always the 1st Friday of the month.) If you miss a monthly deadline, it’ll be credited for the next month. As always, each month’s BAP submissions won’t be included in the official reported totals until the following month’s bulletin.
As in all BAP, there is an element of “the honor system” involved. Let’s keep this fun for everyone!